Why being creative is so important for Organic Social

Organic social means any social media activity that is not paid to be promoted, this means using social media tools to engage with an online following. Organic content tends to be shared on social media profiles, this can be in the form of static posts, videos, stories, and reels. In recent years the social media world has become an oversaturated arena, we are estimated to encounter roughly 6,000-10,000 brand advertisements every day. (Reference, Forbes) and it is now more important than ever for businesses to stand out among the crowd by creating captivating content.  

This blog post will explore the importance of creativity when creating organic social content and how crucial it is for businesses to keep creativity in mind.

It is vital for businesses to be creative and think outside of the box when it comes to creating content, the audience on social media see hundreds of posts each day, therefore businesses must create eye-catching and dynamic social posts to capture the viewers’ attention.

Originality is key when it comes to creating appealing social content, no one wants to see the same trend repeated by every brand they follow, this would result in posts being lost in the algorithm, through staying unique and true to themselves, businesses can stand out from the crowd and engage with their audience.

Building meaningful connections with the viewer is of high importance when creating organic social content. Connecting with your audience via social media is fundamental when it comes to successful campaigns, through creating strong connections between consumer and brand it establishes trust. 81% of consumers indicate trust is one of their top deciding factors when making brand buying decisions. (Reference, Small Biz Ahead)

Successful organic social provides business with a chance to build their own community of likeminded individuals, who have similar interests and goals. Building a strong community of followers generates a well-established reputation for a business, when you have strong engagement levels, it shows that you are aware of what content your audience enjoys.

 Having creative ideas is great, but you must also have a solid strategy to ensure your ideas are established and carried out in the correct manner. Through identifying your businesses goals and targets, then building a secure and well thought out strategy, it ensures you have the right foundations for an effective social campaign.

By implementing creativity into your social strategies, you are ensuring creativity is considered throughout the whole process of content creating, from creating the concept, to design, to then posting on chosen social platforms.

 Social media is the perfect place to showcase your brand’s creative side, it is a great way for businesses to create appealing content that otherwise may not have been considered, for example a business with a more corporate website can use social media platforms such as Instagram to show their more creative elements. Having imaginative and dynamic organic social shows your businesses personality and identity.

“Being 'creative' - tapping into the needs, wants and motivations of customers in a new, different, or unusual way - helps to build brand awareness. This is important because numerous studies have shown that brand awareness leads to more customers and more sales.”  (Reference, Fusion Marketing Services).

Through combining creative and unique brand messages that are specially built to engage with your target audience via personalisation methods, you provide your business with a competitive edge. 

Being creative is also about stepping out of your comfort zone, through pushing boundaries and experimenting with content you can make your business stand out amongst competitors. Through taking creative risks whilst maintaining consistent branding you can create well rounded social campaigns.

Creativity within organic social is key to being memorable, through creating stand-out content that is diverse and considered, your brand will stick within the mind consumers.

A popular avenue within organic social is reaching out to influencers, some of whom are contacted by various brands on a daily basis. To appeal to both influencers and your audience your business should be pushing the boundaries – not only will this intrigue your audience but may also build relationships with influencers wishing to work with new and exciting brands.

At Seas Design we pride ourselves on our creative nature and ensure we create the best content possible for all of our clients!  

“Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun.” - Mary Lou Cook




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